The West Texas Wind Boom

Speaking of Wind, this article provides a great look at how the wind boom is changing west Texas, and quietly turning into a way of life for residents of some of the small former oil towns. After reading this I cant help but wonder about the potential for wind power to work the same magic in depressed rural communities across the American mid-west.
Wind energy's potential for rural economies is huge. For more info, see the U.S. Department Energy publication Wind Energy for Rural Economic Development.
The key ingredient for wind's continued expansion? Continuing the federal wind energy production tax credit (PTC), which reduces a wind farm owner's tax payments by 1.9 cents for each kilowatt-hour of electricity the wind farm generates during the first 10 years of its operation. The PTC is currently scheduled to expire at the end of 2007. If the credit is extended for several years, we will see much greater use of this clean energy resource. You can help support this and other pro-wind laws here.
Thomas O. Gray
American Wind Energy Association
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